Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Virgin Mobile promo codes

A new virgin mobile promo code is being released in 2 weeks. Once the code is officially released, the code will be posted here.

Virgin Mobile often released these promo codes for various reasons. To keep customers topping up, to get a customer who hasn't topped up in a while to top up, and as part of special promotions such as concerts and events.

The coupon codes and promo code are often mailed to you. If you gave virgin mobile a false mailing address, you might want to correct your address with them. Virgin Mobile sends out about 2-3 promo codes a year, so the only way to ensure you don't miss them is to subscribe to this blog or correct your mailing address.

Have you never used a promo code? Try the promo code: 052007 or 062007. You will need to use this promotional coupon code by phone.


Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

enter 6s54etVV when you activate the phone online after activation you get 60 free min of airtime once yhou buy ur first topup card of $20 or more. also check out Suger mama for free minutes.

Anonymous said...

QTdFVXYe list this under the kick back code wich is listed under the promotional code box when activating your phone. It will give you 60 minutes of free talk time when you top up $20 or more.

Anonymous said...

Enter BTdcMHLJ when you activate your phone under kickbacks and you will recieve 60 free minutes when you complete tour first top up or charge of at least $20 . It worked for me I activated my phone yesterday .

Anonymous said...

Use promo code rsMMocFt when activating your phone online, and receive 120 mintes!!!!!!!!!!! thats 40$ of airtime! i used it and it worked!

Anonymous said...

Use Promo Code lTV57OXW for 60 free airtime minutes...I just used it and it works!!!

Anonymous said...

enter jGD9sVVq under the referals section when you activate your phone. only works when activating. get 60 minutes of free airtime when you top up with $20 or more.

Anonymous said...

Enter KTWMQdV0 when you activate the phone online and receive 100 free minutes when you complete your first top up or charge of at least $20. Special kickback offer from Virgin Mobile USA!

Unknown said...

Enter YTWFDn00 when you activate the phone online (not when you order it). You get 60 min free airtime.

Anonymous said...

Enter this code K99TO9QV for an additional 60 minutes of free airtime when you activate your new phone (after topping up at least $20). Code does not expire.

Anonymous said...

enter 1TQnJGeor kickback code at virginmobile phone activation[online]. you get 60 minutes free.

december 18 2008

Anonymous said...

Updated 12/25/2008

Earn 60 Min free airtime at activation with the following kickback code: ZT9OTuFT (Just copy and past at activation.

Anonymous said...

New Kickbacks Code QTQV0DQw

Enter it to receive 60 free bonus minutes! What could be better than that?

Anonymous said...

Enter i99dpeWI (the last letter is an Upper case "i" not a lower case "L" ) when you activate the phone ONLINE only (not when you order it). You get 60 free minutes when you complete your first top up, or charge of at least $20. It works. Also check out Sugar Mama for more free minutes.

i99dpeWI (the last letter is an Upper case "i" not a lower case "L" )

Anonymous said...

LT9InJtM works as of 1-3-09 / put in kickback spot during activation for 60 mins

Unknown said...


If you are activating a new phone online you can receive 60 FREE Bonus Mintues by entering Kickback (or Referral) Code: 7T9nd5nG. Virgin Mobile USA will credit your account after you Top-Up at least $20 within 45 days of activation.

Thinking about using a different code? Many people won't tell you that when you use their Kickback Code your NAME and TELEPHONE # will be revealed to them.

Entered correctly, this code will work and is 100% safe. Enjoy your airtime :)

Anonymous said...

Enter JTsv5QT6 when u activate ur phone online:D u get 60 free airtime mins!! it may not seem like much but hey what do you got to lose its free!! It WORKS!

Anonymous said...

Enter RTL5XILP as a referral code n earn 60 min free..

Anonymous said...


If you are activating a new phone online you can receive 60 FREE Bonus Mintues by entering Kickback (or Referral) Code: 7T9nd5nG. Virgin Mobile USA will credit your account after you Top-Up at least $20 within 45 days of activation

Anonymous said...

Kickbacks code: HTL5dLJU
Free 60 minutes. Enter the above Kickbacks code during online activation. Then charge at least of $20 or top-up your account once. Expires: 01/30/2010

Anonymous said...

Hi there you can get 60 min free for using my kickback code lT97IMP4 when you start your account with at least $20. you enter this when you first activate your phone online.
welcome to virgin mobile

Anonymous said...

sTYw7PD7 Kickbacks code 60 free Virgin Mobile minutes. Use 02/2009

Anonymous said...

When you first activate your virgin mobile phone online enter zsPdp4uo as the referral code and you'll get free 60 minutes:]

Anonymous said...

code: gTMewOqw

Free 60 minutes for new phone activation (US only). During your new phone activation (online) enter this Kickback Code: gTMewOqw . Once you activate, then add atleast $20 or top-up. That's it, you will get free 60 minutes. Expires 01/30/2010

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Free 60 minutes for new phone activation (US only). During your new phone activation (online) enter this Kickback Code: pTY9Uw54 . Once you activate, then add at least $20 or top-up.

Anonymous said...

Enter lTLNecU7 for free 60 minutes for new virgin mobile phone activation (US only). During your new phone activation (online) enter this Kickback Code: Enter lTLNecU7 for free 60 minutes for new virgin mobile phone activation (US only). During your new phone activation (online) enter this Kickback Code: lTLNecU7 . Once you activate, then add atleast $20 or top-up. Thats it, you will get free 60 minutes. No expiration.

Unknown said...

Enter ZT9OTuFT when you activate the phone online (not when you order it). You get 60 free minutes when you top with at least $20. current as of 2/24/2009.

Anonymous said...

100% guarnteed to work Enter kickback code: OTtOWs0u when you activate the phone online (not when you order it). You get 60 free minutes when you complete your first top up, or charge of at least $20. It works.

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

Kickbacks code 3T9UcYLG

Anonymous said...

Top-Up or charge at least $20 to your Virgin Mobile account within 45 days of activation (online only!!) and you will earn 120 free bonus minutes. Just input this code: XstoNtvs (case sensitive) where it says kickback code, and all is well. Thank you!

Anonymous said...

kickback code... please use this one, we both get 60 free minutes... enter this code in the kickback box. gTueJ4v4

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


I tried kickback code NTuXsHOt, and it works =0)

Anonymous said...


If you are activating a new phone online you can receive 60 FREE Bonus Mintues by entering Kickback (or Referral) Code: 7T9nd5nG. Virgin Mobile USA will credit your account after you Top-Up at least $20 within 45 days of activation.

Anonymous said...

When activating type in promo code 5TtPqTD7 to get 60 bonus mins. Works.

Anonymous said...

Enter GTtXqqM6 (case sensitive) when you activate a virgin mobile phone online as a kickback code. You will receive 60 free minutes when you add $20 or more to your phone. GTtXqqM6

Anonymous said...

At activation, enter Kickback Code: OTMsIT7n

Receive 60 FREE Bonus Minutes after a Top-Up of $20 or more GOOD LUCK!

Anonymous said...

Use "KickBack Code" nT0Dv5VI And get at least an hour of bonus talk time.

Megan said...

At activation, enter Kickback Code: Gso4veoT

Receive 60 FREE Bonus Minutes after a Top-Up of $20 or more!!


Cynthia said...

When you sign up for Virgin Mobile use KICKBACK CODE: zT7wqPGX. We'll both get 60 minutes for free :]

Anonymous said...

Enter STPcs7Qc when you activate your phone under kickbacks and you will recieve 60 free minutes when you complete tour first top up or charge of at least $20. Check out Sugar mama too.

Anonymous said...

Top-Up or charge at least $20 to your Virgin Mobile account within 45 days of activation (online only!!) and you will earn 300 free bonus minutes. Just input this code: XstoNtvs (case sensitive) where it says kickback code, and all is well. Thank you! and i know about 10 people that have used this code and it worked with all them. this code is a limited time offer so try it out. good luck =]

doggy said...

When i activated my new phone today i used ITs5wu0X(thats a xero before X) as the referral code and topped up 20 dollars and received 90 bonus minutes. I activated it online.

Anonymous said...

Kickbacks Code number: qTL9tH9n

Good as of 5/22/ 2009

"Hey guys! Go to www.virginmobileusa.com. Check out Virgin Mobile phones and plans. I did. They’re great. When you buy one of their phones and activate it, enter my personal Kickbacks Code number: qTL9tH9n. We’ll BOTH get 60 minutes of bonus airtime after you add money to your account! Then register for Kickbacks on Virgin Mobile’s website and you’ll get 60 minutes of bonus airtime for every friend you refer. Thanks guys!”

baldy6060 said...

After you activate your phone, Top Up or add $20 or more to your account and enter promo code 6TN9vHtN to receive 60 FREE minutes!

Anonymous said...

Enter 8GY7TwqG as the referal code when you activate your phone ONLINE (not when you order it) and get 60 minutes free when you top up $20!!!! Also check out SugarMama for free minutes....AAANNND...type in spring09 as the promotional code to get a 20% discount when you purchase the new XT-C!...it worked for me!!(has to be purchased as if you dont have an account with virgin mobile)Try it!! save yourself some money and airtime!

cammyrosedanielle said...

Free 60 minutes for your pay as you go Virgin Mobile cell phone!!!!
Use this kickback code at virginmobile.com : NTI0dXXp
(that's zero not o).THANKS!!!!!!

baldy6060 said...

Hey guys! Go to www.virginmobileusa.com. Check out Virgin Mobile phones and plans. I did. They’re great. When you buy one of their phones and activate it, enter my personal Kickbacks Code number: 6TN9vHtN. We’ll BOTH get 60 minutes of bonus airtime after you add money to your account! Then register for Kickbacks on Virgin Mobile’s website and you’ll get 60 minutes of bonus airtime for every friend you refer. Thanks guys!

Anonymous said...

**********120 FREE MINUTES*******
Use KICKBACK code ST4LVFMu and receive ***120 FREE MINUTES***. Just enter or cut/paste ST4LVFMu
(case sensitive) in the KICKBACK code box and you will receive 120 minutes instantly. ALL CODES ON THIS PAGE WORK AND DO NOT EXPIRE. THE SUCCESS RATES ARE INCORRECT-THEY ALL WORK.

Anonymous said...

rsMMocFt gives you 120 minutes!! i work for VM and get a little more bonus to get the word out!! 120 MINUTES!!!! for me and YOU for using rsMMocFt. i currently have 50 references, thats 6000 minutes! muahah.

Anonymous said...

Please use this kickback code when you activate your new account. Could really use the extra help! Thanks. asF976Uw

Anonymous said...

enter yTWFIG6N when activating your new phone online under kickbacks. you will receive 60 min free

Cheryl said...

Double minutes in June:
When your friend uses your Kickbacks Code SGq7V776 in June, you can earn 120 minutes bonus airtime for each referral. That's double the usual Kickbacks award of 60 minutes.


Anonymous said...

Hey Good Lookin,

I think you and Virgin Mobile would make a great match.
So if you've been looking for a new wireless service,
check out virginmobileusa.com.

If you buy a Virgin Mobile phone, input this personal Kickbacks Code:


exactly as above (capital and lowercase)
When you activate your phone, and Top-Up within 45 days,
you and I both pick up 60 minutes of bonus airtime!

Not a bad start, huh? Well, that's what friends are for.
Remember to enter personal Kickbacks Code:


during phone activation so we can each spend an extra hour talking it up!


Bryan said...

Use this code: VTpGV4QV

We will both earn free 60 minutes when you top up your code online.

Anonymous said...

vLpLFMOp Use this code as a referral code when you activate phone and we both get 60 mins. free.

Anonymous said...

Enter this code vLpLFMOp into the referral slot and we both get 60 minutes free.

Venus said...

Enter 9LpPee0Q in the referral box when activating your phone for the first time and you and I will both recieve 60 FREE bonus minutes!!!

Anonymous said...

aTIMdQQv list this under the kick back code wich is listed under the promotional code box when activating your phone. It will give you 60 minutes of free talk time when you top up $20 or more.

Anonymous said...

I just wanted to thank the ppl who have used my kickback code.
60 min for you and me.

thx again ppl


Anonymous said...

Again i would like to thank the few who have used my code.


60 min free time FTW!
and thanks again.

j.senese said...


This will give you 60 free minutes when you activate your phone online. Use it!

Unknown said...


I just bought mu phone today.
Use my Code Pls.
You'll receive 1 Hour of free minutes.

Anonymous said...


Use this in the kickback box
Please and Thank You!

Anonymous said...

When activating your new Virgin Mobile phone online enter code
GL6uYUNq (exactly as shown-case sensitive) in the kickback code box and the top up with at least $20.00 in the first 45 days after activation and you and I will both recieve 60 free bonus minutes. These will automatically be added to your phone. Also when activating online there is no activation fee and Virgin Mobile will give you a $2.50 bonus for activating online. Thanks for using my code and don't forget to sign up online for your own kickback code that you can pass along and recieve your own bonus minutes. These kickback codes can be used 100 times each.

Anonymous said...

Hey Good Lookin,

I think you and Virgin Mobile would make a great match.
So if you've been looking for a new wireless service,
check out virginmobileusa.com.

If you buy a Virgin Mobile phone, input this personal Kickbacks Code:


exactly as above (capital and lowercase)
When you activate your phone, and Top-Up within 45 days,
you and I both pick up 60 minutes of bonus airtime!

Not a bad start, huh? Well, that's what friends are for.
Remember to enter personal Kickbacks Code:


during phone activation so we can each spend an extra hour talking it up!


Anonymous said...

Enter this code (iT9dQvJI) in the Kickbacks box when you Top-Up or add at least $20 to your Virgin Mobile account and you and I will both recieve 60 minutes, free!!. Ty and enjoy:) code posted on 8/30/09

Anonymous said...

Enter Code: BGd7DuYJ

When you buy one of their phones and activate it, enter my personal Kickbacks Code number: BGd7DuYJ. We’ll BOTH get 60 minutes of bonus airtime after you add money to your account! Then register for Kickbacks on Virgin Mobile’s website and you’ll get 60 minutes of bonus airtime for every friend you refer. Thanks guys!

Unknown said...

Hey guys & gals Go to www.virginmobileusa.com. Check out Virgin Mobile phones and plans. I did. They’re great. When you buy one of their phones and activate it, enter my personal Kickbacks Code number: LTNQsTvF. We’ll BOTH get 60 minutes of bonus airtime after you add money to your account! Then register for Kickbacks on Virgin Mobile’s website and you’ll get 60 minutes of bonus airtime for every friend you refer. Thanks

Unknown said...

Hey guys & gals Go to www.virginmobileusa.com. Check out Virgin Mobile phones and plans. I did. They’re great. When you buy one of their phones and activate it, enter my personal Kickbacks Code number: LTNQsTvF. We’ll BOTH get 60 minutes of bonus airtime after you add money to your account! Then register for Kickbacks on Virgin Mobile’s website and you’ll get 60 minutes of bonus airtime for every friend you refer. Thanks

Anonymous said...

When you buy one of their phones and activate it, enter my personal Kickbacks Code number: 0LGesGII. We’ll BOTH get 60 minutes of bonus airtime after you add money to your account! Then register for Kickbacks on Virgin Mobile’s website and you’ll get 60 minutes of bonus airtime for every friend you refer.

Anonymous said...

60 FREEEEEE minutes when you activate your phone online and top off with $20. enter the code DL6ieF6X where it says KICKBACK code not promo code. If you do this and it doesnt work contact Virgin mobile and give them the Kickback code DL6ieF6X . Guaranteed to work if it doesnt call 1-888-322-1122
(or use *VM on your Virgin Mobile phone). Live Advisors are available to speak with you Monday–Friday from 6am–9pm Pacific Time and from 6am–8pm Pacific Time on Saturday and Sunday. or email me @ dothedubya@aol.com and i'll call them and see whats up.

Anonymous said...

Enter DL6ieF6X for 60 FREEEEEE minutes when you activate your phone online and top off with $20. enter the code DL6ieF6X where it says KICKBACK code not promo code. If you do this and it doesnt work contact Virgin mobile and give them the Kickback code DL6ieF6X . Guaranteed to work if it doesnt call 1-888-322-1122
(or use *VM on your Virgin Mobile phone). Live Advisors are available to speak with you Monday–Friday from 6am–9pm Pacific Time and from 6am–8pm Pacific Time on Saturday and Sunday. or email me @ dothedubya@aol.com and i'll call them and see whats up.

Sierra said...

Enter JTsv5QT6 when you activate your Virgin Mobile phone for the first time with a 20 dollar top up card! You get 60 EXTRA MINUTES!Don't miss out!

Anonymous said...

use code zTucwpD6 under referal at activation and we both get 60 free minutes thanks code expires after 10/2011

Anonymous said...

When you activate your phone and add at least 20 bucks enter sLtGsFLd in the friends kickback code and get 60 mins free!!

Anonymous said...

Hey ,
Get An Hour Of Bonus Airtime When You Join

Then, the first time you add at least $20 to your account, you’ll both get 60 minutes of bonus airtime!
Since Darling has signed up for Virgin Mobile Kickbacks, you can each pick up 60 minutes of bonus airtime when you join Virgin Mobile. All you have to do is buy a Virgin Mobile phone and enter your friend’s Kickbacks Code – bLtGMoYq – when you activate online.

Not a bad way to start things off, huh? Well, that’s what friends are for.Your friend, thinks we’d make a great match. So if you’ve been looking for a new mobile phone, why not swing by virginmobileusa.com and check out what we’ve got to offer.

Anonymous said...

When you join Virgin Mobile cell phone service put in Jenny [my sister]'s code in the "promo code" or "Kickbacks code" box. [I don't remember which it is.] b75YMTp6 [exactly as shown] and you'll both get 60 minutes of FREE talk time! Pimp her code out to your friends, too! She's in need of some talk time since cash is a bit tight...Even if you just pimp the code out, it'd be VERY helpful! We both thank you!! <3

Virgin Mobile has a lot of cool phones to choose from, including one that's FREE when you buy a top up card. [Actually, it might be free, no top up card needed to get it. I don't remember!!] Yeah, you heard right. TOP UP CARD. No contracts, no monthly fees. PAY AS YOU GO!! How cool is that?! the site is www.virginmobileusa.com

There's $10 for 1 thousand messages [penny messaging] or $20 for unlimited. You can surf the web, and the most expensive package for calling is I think $45 a month. Unlimited night/weekend and 700 or 1000 anytime minutes. I don't remember which. HOWEVER! If you buy that, you can get the 1k messages for only $5!! I personally don't use my phone to talk. Only to text.

International text rates are I -think- 20 cents to send, 10cents to receive. That's for me, if I text Kathy or Margaret. I think Canada and Mexico are like 10 cents to send, 5 cents to receive? I don't remember. International calling rates are REALLY good, too!! Back in June I talked to Kathy for about an hour and it cost me $16, vs. the $30 or more it would have cost on the home phone! Canada and Mexico are cheaper, of course.

Without a plan text messages are either 10 - 20cents [I can't remember] pix/vids are 25 cents. Compared to a fucking TracFone you're saving a ton of money already. Coverage is pretty damn good, too!! Well, for where I live, anyway!

I'm with the company and have the "Wild Card". It has a keyboard with it, and has been a trusty little phone with an awesome camera! Well, awesome when there's some bright light. XD

If you're thinking of giving someone a phone for christmas, or asking for one, I REALLLYYY suggest Virgin Mobile. And not just because I'm trying to get my sis some extra time.


There's also STUDIO V! Where you can create your OWN WALLPAPERS! OR RINGTONES! And buy the ones other people have made too! If someone buys one from you, YOU GET CASH ON YOUR PHONE! VM also has tons of super fun games to download as well! Pac-Man, some awesome Jewel game, Tetris, card games [Poker] and even some slightly adult oriented games. Sexy Poker! XD Fun stuff, dude!!

Anonymous said...

When you join Virgin Mobile cell phone service put in this code in the "promo code" or "Kickbacks code" box. [I don't remember which it is.] b75YMTp6 [exactly as shown] and you'll both get 60 minutes of FREE talk time! Pimp this code out to your friends, too!

Anonymous said...

Heres a new and current promo for 60 minutes free.ZL07vI9v
just copy and paste this code into the kickback box and bamm free minutes. ZL07vI9v

Unknown said...

Enter DTuO9nGt as the referral code when you activate your Virgin Mobile phone and you will recieve 60 free minutes. It worked for me January 14, 2010

Anonymous said...

Esdv0PFo (exactly like that)

Enter in kickbacks box during activation for free 60 min of airtime when you add $20 to your account! Simple! (MUST BE DONE ONLINE)

WILL WORK! If you have any questions email me at masterwillams77@yahoo.com

Unknown said...


virgin mobile usa kick back code said...

code: TLLY5OMI

get 60 minutes free when you use the above code as a kickback code while registering your new virgin cell phone. :) 100 % working.. GOOD LUCK.

tonynarcisso said...


Use this code in the kickbacks section when activating a new phone, and you will receive 60 free bonus minutes.

Inverted_Cassandra said...

~~~~***60 FREE MIN***~~~~
Kickback code: 4JUVe5uG

(Its case sensitive)

When you activate ur phone online type in this code and get ******60 FREE MIN*****to your account! 4JUVe5uG is the code! Just do it, type it in and we both win!!! 60 free min fo every 20 added to your account in the first 45 days of activation!!!

Wilbur said...



Anonymous said...

Enter DTuO9nGt when you activate the phone online (not when you order it). You get 60 free minutes when you complete your first top up, or charge of at least $20. It worked for me. Also check out Sugar Mama for more free minutes.

Anonymous said...

I was a VM customer and closed my account Aug 2009. I am planning to activate it (will be as a "I used to be a customer) and do the $30 anytime minutes plan, not the top up. Will these promos still work?

Anonymous said...

Enter DTuO9nGt when you activate the phone online (not when you order it). You get 60 free minutes when you complete your first top up, or charge of at least $20. It worked for me. Also check out Sugar Mama for more free minutes.

Anonymous said...

Enter LJtT40II when you activate the phone online (not when you order it). You get 60 free minutes when you complete your first top up, or charge of at least $20. It works. Also check out Sugar Mama for more free minutes.

Unknown said...

enter KJQssdQt when you activate your new virgin mobile phone online and recieve 60 bonus minutes!!

Unknown said...

enter KJQssdQt when activating your new virgin mobile phone online and recieve 60 bonus minutes!!

Anonymous said...

~~~~~Enter LJtT40II for virgin mobile and we will both get 60 free minutes :)

Anonymous said...

Enter DTuO9nGt as the referral code when you activate your Virgin Mobile phone and you will recieve 60 free minutes. This number is good, just worked for me.

Unknown said...

You can pick up 60 minutes of bonus airtime when you join Virgin Mobile. All you have to do is buy a Virgin Mobile phone and enter your Kickbacks Code WJHVNPou . (case Sensative)

VM Stuff

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